For many patients with dentophobia, conscious sedation with nitrous oxide or tranquilizers is an ideal complement to local anaesthesia. Nitrous Oxide Commonly known as "laughing gas", nitrous oxide has had a long successful history of use in medicine and dentistry where it has been proven to be extremely effective and safe. This sedation method offers...
Preventative Dentistry
In dentistry, prevention is always better than cure, and we are here to help you keep your teeth for life. Early detection of dental issues makes them not only easier to treat, it will save you money and your teeth in the long run. Dr Zhou will use his expertise to identify any early signs...
Botulinum Treatment
This was initially provided for excessive grinding which can lead to excessive wear of teeth, fracture lines, broken fillings, headaches etc. The botulinum suspension is placed into the thickest part of the muscles to reduce their power and in turn place less strain on teeth during night grinding. A lot of positive feedback has encouraged...
Teeth Whitening
Dazzle everyone with a brighter, younger-looking smile. DOS offers teeth whitening that works wonders for your confidence and can assist with a more youthful appearance. When you work with our dentists, you can achieve a teeth whitening result that works for your individual discoloration. Dentist on Shakespeare offers teeth whitening that: Lifts stains Can be...
Invisalign and Orthodontics
A brilliant smile is a statement of positive state of health and ideal hygiene. Straight teeth can mean a more healthier mouth and teeth that are more likely to last a lifetime. Misaligned teeth are harder to keep clean, are at risk of being lost early due to tooth decay and periodontal disease, and cause...
Crowns and Bridges
Where there has been loss of teeth through trauma or weakened tooth structure and existing fillings are breaking down we will look at the reasons for this loss as part of the treatment process. Where teeth are lost excessive pressure is put on the remaining teeth, and with tooth movement, this is exasperated to the...
Dental Implants
Implants are placed in the site of missing teeth with or without grafting and the gum closed over for uninterrupted healing. A few months later the implant is exposed to the mouth and a healing screw used to allow the gum to grow a cuff around it as it later needs to do around the...
Cosmetic Dentistry
At Dentist on Shakespeare we care about your smiles. Please tell us what it is that you do not like whether it be the shape, colour or irregular teeth, with many different treatment options available in a wide price range we can work with your budget to put the sparkle back in your smile. All...
Porcelain Veneers
These are artisan crafted tooth-like ceramic shell used to create a beautiful natural smile Where teeth are discoloured or weakened due to acid erosion, multiple fillings, root treatments, trauma etc, porcelain veneers can be used to recreate the smile you always dreamed of. Porcelain veneers can also be used to mask mildly crooked teeth giving...
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth or issues from a previous filling. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, and cause a great deal of discomfort. If root...